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Patoka Lake Women's Wilderness Weekend Registration Open

Registration has opened for Women's Wilderness Weekend, a women's-only event for learning outdoor skills in a relaxed environment to be held at Patoka Lake April 21 through 23.

The event will start at the Patoka Lake Nature Center and include overnight camping for the duration of the weekend. Women age 16 and older can participate in activities that include in-depth archery lessons, kayaking, Dutch oven cooking, basic bush craft, hunting 101, wilderness first aid, trap shooting, rifle, boat operations, and self-defense, to name a few. Meals will be provided on Saturday and Sunday. Camping will take place in the modern electric campground.

Advance registration, including a fee of $75 per participant, is required by April 10. For more information or to register, email and for a registration packet.

Patoka Lake is at 3084 N. Dillard Road, Birdseye.

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Categories: Indiana, Rural Lifestyle

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