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Wing Prices Drop Ahead of Super Bowl

A video featuring Jayson Lusk, a distinguished professor and head of the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University, has been uploaded to the AP Video Hub. In the video, he goes over how food prices and spending look going into the Super Bowl weekend. Lusk says that food prices are about 12% higher now compared to last year.

However, chicken wing prices have fallen significantly over the past two years. The price of wings typically rises during Super Bowl season as consumers head to the grocery store to stock up.

Despite this, Lusk still predicts that chicken wings will be cheaper than they have been for football gatherings this year. Restaurant spending at locations such as Buffalo Wild Wings, Chili's and Applebee's also sees an increase during February and March.

Lusk is currently researching if this trend is related to the Super Bowl or other factors, but consumers should be aware that these restaurants may have increased crowds during this period.

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Categories: Indiana, Livestock, Poultry, Kansas, Livestock, Poultry, Pennsylvania, Livestock, Poultry

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