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Hoosiers Can Search More than Their Hearts this Valentine's Day

Attorney General Todd Rokita invites Hoosiers to visit today as love fills the air. Valentine's Day is a perfect time to see what money awaits to sweep you and your loved ones off your feet.

"Returning unclaimed property to rightful owners is an important part of our mission," Rokita said. "This holiday of love is a great time for Hoosiers to be true to their hearts and start searching."

While all states administer unclaimed property programs, Indiana is the only one where the attorney general oversees this function.

Last year, the Attorney General Unclaimed Property Division returned over $62 million to Hoosiers, and you could be the next lucky person to join the list.

Some property owners in the Unclaimed Property Division's database include such holiday-appropriate first or last names as Love, Valentine, Rose, and Candy.

Here are the types of property that might go unclaimed this Valentine's Day that are even better than a box of chocolates:

- Unclaimed wages or commissions

- Money orders

- Safety deposit box contents

- Savings and checking accounts

- Refunds

- Overpayments such as:

- Credit card balances

- Cell phone bills

- DMV payments

Once unclaimed property is in its custody, the Unclaimed Property Division conducts an aggressive outreach effort to locate the rightful owners or heirs.

Individuals and/or businesses have 25 years in which to claim money once it is reported to the Unclaimed Property Division.

So be sure to check text CLAIM to 46220 to search your name, family, or business.

You can also contact the Unclaimed Property Division at 1-866-462-5246 or

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Categories: Indiana, General

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