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Red gold and ISDA announce 2024 stewardship award winners

Red gold and ISDA announce 2024 stewardship award winners

By Andi Anderson

The Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) and Red Gold have announced the winners of the 2024 Red Gold Stewardship Award. Schulte’s Produce LLC of Pandora, Ohio, secured the first-place position, while Lievens Bros.

Farms Inc. of Petersburg, Michigan, was awarded second place. This prestigious award, now in its 16th year, honors Red Gold tomato growers who prioritize soil health and water quality in their farming operations.

Schulte’s Produce LLC, located in northeast Ohio, has been growing tomatoes since 1975. In addition to tomatoes, the Schultes family cultivates squash, cabbage, peppers, corn, soybeans, and wheat, and they also raise tomato starts for 15 other local farmers.

Their farm implements numerous conservation practices, such as cover crops, regular soil testing, and reduced tillage, all aimed at enhancing soil health and water quality.

Mike Schulte of Schulte’s Produce LLC emphasized the importance of these efforts, stating, "Treat your ground right and it will reward you."

Lievens Bros. Farms Inc., the second-place winner, operates in southeastern Michigan. Alongside growing tomatoes, the Lievens family farms traditional row crops.

Their stewardship and conservation practices include grassed waterways, filter strips, variable rate nutrient application, and cover crops. These efforts reflect a commitment to sustainable farming practices.

The Midwest is recognized as a leader in soil health initiatives, with Indiana farmers alone planting more than 1.7 million acres of cover crops in 2023. Curt Utterback, Director of Agriculture at Red Gold, expressed pride in the growers' dedication to soil and water conservation.

He highlighted the 100% participation rate in the stewardship program, showcasing the growers' commitment to providing healthy, nutritious food while caring for the land. "It is an honor to formally recognize this year’s winners, Schulte’s Produce LLC and Lievens Bros. Farms Inc.," Utterback said.

ISDA Director Don Lamb added, "The Red Gold Stewardship Award recognizes tomato growers who are committed to soil conservation practices and the benefits they provide."

He acknowledged the importance of soil health and water quality for Indiana and Midwestern producers, praising Schulte’s Produce LLC and Lievens Bros. Farms Inc. for their exemplary efforts.

As the top winner, Schulte’s Produce LLC received a $1,000 scholarship and the option to ship an extra truckload of tomatoes per day during the harvest season.

Lievens Bros. Farms Inc. was awarded a $500 scholarship and the opportunity to ship an extra half truckload of tomatoes per day during the harvest.

These awards not only celebrate the winners' achievements but also highlight the importance of sustainable agricultural practices in ensuring future opportunities for farming communities.

Photo Credit: indiana-state-department-of-agriculture

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