The 2022 Kentucky Forest Health Conference is now open for registrations. The Feb. 9 Zoom event will occur from 9 a.m. to noon ET and feature local and national speakers on a bevy of topics.
"Each year we profile a mix of insects, pathogens and invasive plants," said Ellen Crocker, assistant professor of forest health extension in the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. "This year, we're going to have speakers from Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee discuss how to keep local forests and woodlands healthy."
The third annual edition of the conference will highlight topics including gypsy moths, spotted lanternflies, invasive plant management, thousand cankers disease as well as a seminar addressing storm damage in woodlands, something that hits close to home for many this year as devastating storms hit large parts of the Bluegrass State.
"This will be a good year to address some of the storms we've had recently," Crocker said. "There are a lot of people who are in the process of trying to recover. Not only will some people need to learn about reforestation, but also understand that storm damage makes ideal habitats for invasive species. I believe we are going to see an increased spread and proliferation this year because invasive plants love disturbance, and they sure got a big one."
Those who register for the free event will have access to both live Zoom seminars as well as a YouTube playlist that participants can view at a later time.
"We have really high marks from past attendees," Crocker said. "They have told us that the information they learned has really helped them to apply to the work that they are doing."
To learn more about event topics and to register, visit
Categories: Indiana, General