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AgriNovus bridges students to agriculture

AgriNovus bridges students to agriculture

By Andi Anderson

AgriNovus Indiana is playing a pivotal role in connecting college students to promising careers in the agriculture industry. Through its Field Atlas program, AgriNovus is raising awareness of the agbioscience industry and offering students hands-on experiences and career opportunities in this rapidly evolving field.

Blake Talbert, a recent graduate of Franklin College with a degree in computer science and data science, is one such student who discovered the potential of a career in agriculture through AgriNovus.

During his sophomore year, Blake connected with AgriNovus and began exploring how his skills in data science could contribute to the ag industry.

As a data scientist, Blake recognized the growing need for more in-depth analysis and the implementation of advanced technology in farming to enhance efficiency and sustainability.

He believes that technology and data science will be crucial in driving these improvements.

“I think, as a data scientist, more analysis needs to be done, and more technology can be implemented with farming to improve efficiency, especially moving towards sustainability,” Blake explained. “I think technology and data science will play a huge role.”

Blake also noticed that much of the data collected in agriculture currently goes to companies, and he sees an opportunity to empower farmers by helping them better understand and utilize this data for informed decision-making.

His experience with AgriNovus not only opened his eyes to the possibilities within the agriculture industry but also gave him the confidence to pursue a career in this field.

Thanks to the connection he made through the Field Atlas platform, Blake is now interning at a farm consultancy. He credits AgriNovus with providing him the experience and confidence to approach the agriculture industry, despite not having a traditional background in farming.

“It not only made the difference and made me consider it—I think that was huge—but it also gave me a step in,” Blake said. “It gave me confidence, and it gave my employer confidence that I had that skill.”

Blake’s story highlights the impact of AgriNovus Indiana’s efforts to bridge the gap between students and agriculture, ensuring that more young professionals consider and succeed in agbioscience careers.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-poike

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Categories: Indiana, Education

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