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Indiana Crop Weather - Surplus Soil Moisture Hinders Planting

Indiana Crop Weather - Surplus Soil Moisture Hinders Planting

By Andi Anderson

High soil moisture levels from recent rains have slowed fieldwork in Indiana, according to Nathanial Warenski, State Statistician at USDA NASS, Indiana Field Office. Despite a decrease in topsoil moisture levels from the previous week, 96% of topsoil remains rated as adequate or surplus.

The average temperature for the week was 58.4°F, which is 4.9°F above normal for the state. The statewide average precipitation was 0.81 inches, 0.14 inches below normal. However, there were only 2.9 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending April 21.

While precipitation returned to normal levels last week, most fields remained too wet for significant planting activity. Corn and soybean plantings lagged behind the five-year average, with both crops at just 2% planted. In contrast, winter wheat crop conditions improved, with 77% of the crop rated good to excellent, thanks to ample rainfall and warm temperatures.

  • Soil Moisture Levels: Topsoil moisture is 96% adequate or surplus.
  • Temperature: Average temperature was 58.4°F, 4.9°F above normal.
  • Precipitation: Statewide average was 0.81 inches, 0.14 inches below normal.
  • Fieldwork: Only 2.9 days suitable for fieldwork.
  • Planting Progress: Corn and soybeans at 2% planted, behind the five-year average.
  • Winter Wheat: 77% rated good to excellent, ahead of the five-year average.

Livestock conditions were reported as good, though frost events potentially affecting fruit tree blossoms remained a concern. Other activities for the week included herbicide and fungicide applications, anhydrous ammonia application, and tillage.

For a detailed weather summary and further updates on crop progress, visit the Indiana Field Office of USDA NASS.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-awakr10

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Categories: Indiana, Crops, Weather

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