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Maximize Your Yields with Proper Fungicide Application

Maximize Your Yields with Proper Fungicide Application

The growing season is progressing well, and there is potential for a better crop than initially anticipated. However, there are some concerns about disease pressure, especially tar spot. Tar spots can be more destructive and faster acting than other common diseases like gray leaf spot and northern corn leaf blight.

Scouting your fields is essential :

The best way to assess crop health and disease pressure is through field scouting. Look for signs of disease, such as small, dark spots on the leaves, orange or brown pustules on the leaves, or a white, powdery coating on the leaves. If you see any signs of disease, it's important to apply fungicide as soon as possible.

Fungicide application is important :

There are a variety of effective fungicide products available on the market. Choose a fungicide that is effective against the specific disease you are targeting. You should also consider the stage of growth of your crop when choosing a fungicide.

For soybeans, consider applying fungicides at the R2 or R3 stage:

For corn, it's best to wait until the full tassel stage to apply fungicides. If it's necessary to apply earlier, avoid using adjutants to prevent arrested ear development.

Extending the protection window can help safeguard top-end yield

With corn crops showing unevenness, some may opt to wait until the brown silk stage for fungicide application. Extending the protection window during the grain fill period can help safeguard top-end yield.

Recent rains have led to impressive improvements in crop health

The recent rains have led to impressive improvements in crop health, which makes protecting the crops even more crucial. By scouting your fields regularly and applying fungicide as needed, you can help protect your crops from diseases and maximize your yields.

Tips for scouting and fungicide application:

  • Scout your fields regularly, especially during periods of wet weather.
  • Look for signs of disease in the early stages, when it is most easily controlled.
  • Choose a fungicide that is effective against the specific disease you are targeting.
  • Apply fungicide according to the label instructions.
  • Rotate fungicides to prevent the development of resistance.

By following these tips, you can help to protect your crops from diseases and maximize your yields.

Photo Credit: istock-alenamozhjer

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