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Purdue Farm Management Tour to Visit Washington and Jackson Counties in July

Purdue Farm Management Tour to Visit Washington and Jackson Counties in July

Learn about innovative farm management strategies, new technologies for improving efficiency and productivity, ways to help ensure a successful transition of your operation to the next generation and more at the annual Purdue Farm Management Tour on July 11.

Purdue University’s Center for Commercial Agriculture and Purdue Extension sponsor the tour, which includes stops at two farms in Washington and Jackson counties in Indiana. Farms are chosen based on successful business management practices or farm managers’ unique perspective on farm business management.

“The Purdue Farm Management Tour provides a remarkable platform for Indiana's top farm business managers to gather, offering farmers an exceptional chance to gain insights from others' experiences and uncover fresh ideas to implement on their own farms,” said James Mintert, director of Purdue University’s Center for Commercial Agriculture.

Each tour includes an interview session where farm operators provide an overview of their farms. Host farmers will also share successful farm management tips, discuss how the management of their operations is changing in response to the agricultural economy and evolving family circumstances, and share reasons behind their recent innovations in production practices and adoption of new technology.

The tour is free and open to the public; however, registration is required by visiting or calling 765-494-7004.

Tour Schedule – All times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time

9 a.m., July 11 - Hackman Family Farm Market: Tom and Ruth Hackman's home farm has been in their family since 1911, and they are the sixth generation to farm in Jackson and Washington counties. The Hackman farm has always been a diversified farm operation, but the enterprise mix has changed over time, as crop operations have become more important with less emphasis on cattle. The Hackmans raise corn and soybeans and augment their row-crop operation with produce, including sweet corn, watermelons, cantaloupes and several other produce crops. The produce operation expanded in recent years when daughters Megan; Jacquelyn and her husband, Klayton; along with son Victor, all returned to the farm. In addition to supplying several major retailers with watermelons, the Hackmans also market directly to consumers via locations at the farm and in Seymour. Their newest enterprise is a subscription-based fresh produce delivery service. At this tour stop, you'll learn about the value of diversification, how to develop new enterprises to facilitate bringing the next generation into the farm operation and navigating food safety issues.

1 p.m., July 11 – Rowland Farms: The Rowland family's farm has been in operation since the late 1930s, with Greg and Jenny Rowland taking over the operation in 1988. The Rowland's crop operation is focused on soybeans and non-GMO popcorn. Greg and Jenny are keenly interested in improving soil health via cover crops to boost their farm's long-term productivity. In 2018, the Rowland's son Jacob joined the operation and recently put into operation a new commercial scale cage-free layer house.


Photo Credit: Purdue University


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Categories: Indiana, Business, Crops, Corn, Soybeans

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