Clairmont Clementson has joined the NDSU agricultural and biosystems engineering department as an associate professor.
At NDSU, Clementson plans to focus on grain handling and storage, and the transformation of biomaterials from agricultural commodities and co-products.
Clementson completed his doctorate in agricultural engineering at Purdue University and most recently was the laboratory manager at the Purdue Center for Particulate Powders and Processes. While in that role, he collaborated with faculty from seven departments, trained students and research personnel to utilize particle characterization equipment and interpret data and executed research for industrial partners.
His work as a research associate at Purdue focused on integrating measurable data of a stored grain ecosystem into optimum management practices. He used a grain management tool to establish the condition of the grain.
In addition to his grain storage research, he has determined the energy needed to harvest biomass and evaluated vinasse (a bioethanol effluent) and vermicompost as soil amendments.
As a research scientist with the Ministry of Agriculture in Guyana, he explored new opportunities for sustainable energy utilization and engineered the innovative design of a bioethanol production plant that utilized co-products from sugar factories.
Categories: Indiana, Energy, Sustainable Agriculture, North Dakota, Energy, Sustainable Agriculture