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Top agriculturists honored by NASDA 2024

Top agriculturists honored by NASDA 2024

By Andi Anderson

At the 2024 Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) celebrated the exceptional contributions of three distinguished individuals from state agriculture departments.

These dedicated professionals have left an indelible mark on the agricultural community, and NASDA President Blayne Arthur expressed heartfelt gratitude for their unwavering commitment.

James A. Graham Award for Outstanding Service: Presented to Hassey Brooks, Deputy Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries, this prestigious award recognizes his 17 years of service.

Brooks’s tireless efforts have secured millions in federal funding for Alabama’s farmers, and he remains a passionate advocate for agricultural development. As a fourth-generation farmer himself, Brooks’s connection to the community runs deep.

Douglass-Irvin Administration Award: Cathy Weeks, Special Events Coordinator at the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, received this honor for her exceptional administrative contributions.

Weeks played a pivotal role in organizing the 2024 NASDA Annual Meeting, enhancing her department’s efficiency and reputation through meticulous planning and collaborative efforts.

Communications Award: Rebecca Eddy, Public Information Officer for the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, was recognized for her outstanding work in public engagement.

Eddy’s impactful efforts, including a viral social media post highlighting farmers affected by flooding, have significantly increased public awareness. The media attention generated by her work is estimated to be worth over $6 million.

Ambassador’s Circle Award (Posthumous): In a historic move, NASDA posthumously honored Bill Northey, former Iowa Secretary of Agriculture and USDA Under Secretary, with this award.

Northey’s leadership and unwavering dedication to agricultural issues strengthened relationships across the farming community. In tribute to his legacy, this award will now be known as the Bill Northey Legacy Award.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-zoran-zeremski

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Categories: Indiana, General

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